My New Year wishes for YOU!
New Year is around the corner and people take time to look at the year that just passed. So did I, and I have to say it was a great year, because I managed to do things I love and I am passionate about.
I travelled to amazing places (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Miami, Bahamas, Copenhagen, Malmo), gave speeches in front of various audiences and met and worked with some incredibly talented people.
Above all, I learnt a lot this year. But the most valuable things were those, I learnt about myself. Discovery of my own strengths and capabilities, gave me the power and motivation to be, who I truly want to be.
So my wishes to all of You in the New Year are those…
Don’t be afraid of the challenges, don’t hesitate to try new things. It is the unknown and undiscovered that is the most interesting. Dare to live the life of passion and purpose. You, and only you, have the power to make the 2017 a fabulous year! So do it!